Monday, June 17, 2013

Farewell Dormancy May Your Slumber Be Long & Peaceful

Well Welcome Back.. here we are already with the March winds having ruffled our hair, some still finding party favors as left over piece mills in our pockets, and still a little dizzy, perhaps a tad bit woozy from all of the dancing, flirting and rousing left from frolicking with February! Now that Cupid and Eros have had their dance and left us all a bit dazzled, it's time to grab a hold of ourselves and get back to our agenda's and responsibilities as Spring is skipping around the bend, sauntering her way back into our lives!

      Yes, it is true she brings with her, basket's to tuck into your apothecary for the Alchemical now in process. The stirring of seeds, hints of manifestations are hanging in the wind, but for now we are to sort out, organize and put our affairs, homes and what ever concerns us into the best order. Dormancy left us a myriad of hints, a beautiful cornucopia centerpiece highlighting our mantel as a thank you gift for his long stay, too long if you ask me, but I won't ruin his good mood as he whistles his way meandering just over the hill mingling with the sage, and picking a few daffodils to tuck into his pocket for his beside table..

      We, However; are now put to task to set aside what we shall call to order? What we will step aside of and more remotely review if it's stagnate?  You may feel a bit of trepidation, but ferret out those dusty dream books of yours, stop admiring those glimmering walnut shelves that hold what used to be your prized ambitions. Page through to see if one of your former passions, or past aspirations may be worth taking out for another more accomplished spin! Say with it absolute conviction this time! Instead of making a wish and sitting back in your comfy rocker, reclining, let's go a whole new route! Think Create! Let's get a story board going, for me it is more of a magical looking scrapbook, but there has to be a lot more than imagery, flights of fancy and visualization this time around Dear Readers!

      Grab a stack of magazines, beautiful picture books, choose your perfect photos of what you truly desire at this jaunt of your journey! Snip and glue, glitter and highlight till the stars are peeking in,  wondering what in the world is going on in your house? Let the paper fly to all of the corners of the room till your story finally comes together, and you can see it everyday. Intentionally allow it to lend you a pinpoint view of your current focus when you are feeling off track, trying to fix your worn out compass. Uhh.. there's not a whole lot more of a sore thumb than a dull brass compass, with a directionless needle! If something is broken either fix it, or find it another home outside of your own view.  Just for the moment, lets not put all of our energy into visualizing magic and positive affirmations, while they certainly do have their own distinguished roles, do keep in mind, that for now, we must go into the root cellar, and see what it is that we set aside to get lost in that tired old cellar because we simply gave up, or gave out, more to the point. The hard question: Did you lose Faith in Yourself, or did You allow yourself to pass on your own Dreams because You were told it was impractical? I hope to Heaven that is Not your response! But let's move on shall we?

     Yes, you may have put ideas, perhaps some of your Dearest hopes, and a few dreams, on some out of the way shelf, but I am here to tell you it is not over and done, under that moss covered box or what ever you shelved, it is quite probable that germination was taking place. Remember Dormancy paid us a visit, and had us looking over our archives and old photo albums, giving us a tap dance and singing old sweetly familiar songs. It was so easy getting caught up in remembering those smiles that once stole our Hearts, beloved gestures, revisiting our fondest memories, glitter and confetti floating in the air above us like a dragonfly on a sunny Summer breeze mesmerizing us, his charm was intoxicating at first, after all it did distract us from all our worries, and the Crones with their pots of toxic anxious worry we feared would over take our sound minds. (And by the way, not all Crones are up to mischief and dire secret inklings); However, that is another post all together!

     Back to germination, as hard as it could be to imagine, I am hear to blow a trumpet, to put a conch shell up to your ear, it is quite possible that the germination of what was left in the root cellar could now be ready to bring you a path of Culmination! Perhaps a glorious fruiting, plentiful Harvest from what was a mere Seedling?  But, you must invite your brilliant side out, wine and dine yourself, get out of your own way and get to moving! It doesn't have to be pretty, but it simply does have to be. OK, a little slowly at first is OK, but moving is a sure way to get the fires of creativity burning brightly again. Dance to some of your favorite music while you are alone just to get the hang of it again! It is sifting time, it is ok to march in place if you feel awkward at first, but do make some decisions, pause and ruminate if you must, but not for too long. June is standing in our doorways and beckoning for us to get out of our ruts and routines, and to make some definite barking orders to call us out and get us going!

     Summer will be here with her beautiful new blossoms, Lacey petals and posies soon enough, but for now meandering is over and done and it's time to water the seedlings, mulch, put fresh flowers all over your house, light a couple of candles and most importantly, tend to matters that will be evolving over the next progressions of our life paths. If you have Dreams that you gave up on, think rejuvenation! If You crave a whole new Path, think of Robert Frost's Poem and choose the one least traveled, lace up and start trail blazing! Go on a self restoration plan! What you feed your mind will bring you what you focus on.. If your focus is on Fear, lack in any area, you certainly do not want to cause that to flourish. Fill your mind and body with great things, (mediocrity should not be acceptable), bright intentions backed up with good study habits and physical actions that Create Abundant Fruition's, yeah that's the ticket. Go! Be it into the attic or the cellar, the back of the closet, some may even need to venture out into that dark congested garage! Reflect in Sacred Silence, only You can know. Who Knows Your Inner Passions better than You?

Clear out the clutter folks, and find those Dreams and Aspirations. Dormancy is already asleep in his own place now, tucked neatly under his down blankets and plumped cushy pillows. He has no thought of us anymore as he is Cozy in his long awaited hibernating dream world! Its  time to put out your chimes, sweep out any left over cob Webb's, and pull back those dreary curtains and let the Sun bustle in sweeping away stagnation, and start putting some new Inspiration into your life! The time is Now, grab your paste, story boards, Vision maps, a child like eager disposition, and lets turn Dreams into Realities that we can flourish in, and send rejuvenation and joyful Synergies into Our World. Someone Que the Guardian Angels and Let's get going!

Much Love & Many Blessings,
Your SteamyPhilospher


A Small PS~ Dream your glorious dreams but keep your feet firmly planted while you are gazing! Do pay attention, the journey can be magical or plain it is your choice after all! I say look for the magic in each new day, be filled with thankfulness up to the brim of your Spirit, and remember that just One Random Act of Kindness Each Day, not only sends a plethora of healing into the world, but also makes people wonder what you are up to? Got Infectious Synergy? Power On With A Generous Heart!

Let's Aspire To Live Happily Ever Now!

Let's Aspire To Live Happily Ever Now!